Tuesday, 10 May 2016

I am poem

                                 I am…
Success Criteria
Use a thesaurus to choose the best vocabulary
Choose the best nouns for the poem
Choose the best adjectives to describe some nouns
Leave the reader thinking about your poem by sharing what it inside you

I am special in many different ways
I wonder  if the huge world will stop spinning
I hear loud parties all night
I see cars driving everywhere
I want to be a millionaire
I am A good person at home
I pretend to be A racing driver
I feel tired when I am in bed
I touch expensive things I am not allowed to touch
I worry about my Nan in the hospital in Auckland
I cry about being stung by like five bees
I am awesome
I understand being an adult is hard work
I say nice words to adults and little kids
I dream of being a rock star
I try to ignore my brother
I hope when I am older I can be rich
I am super good at home and school

  1. I have been learning to make a mistake you can try new strategy's of learning to fix it.
  2. I am proud of my learning because `all of this is true.
  3. I re read to check if I had any mistakes and I changed the vocabulary for better words.My Nan and granddad were proud of me for making this and printing it and bringing it home.

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